The Elmer Denis MEMORIAL Grant
In 2015, FOSS established the Elmer Denis Memorial Grant Fund, in memory of one of FOSS’ founding members, Elmer Denis. Elmer was a dedicated and passionate volunteer, board member, and devoted advocate of sacred structures throughout Kansas City. Elmer made friends and admirers with every visit and every phone call he made, and was instrumental in the preservation of dozens of sacred structures. He was an advisor/encourager who always led by example.
His memorial fund provides two $3,000 grants each year to help fund preservation projects for sacred structures, typically within Kansas City’s urban core. In addition to funding numerous projects, the FOSS board hopes this fund will continue to further the work that Elmer held so dear. With the generous support of the community, the fund has been growing strong to support even more structures in need.
Nov 15, 1920 - Dec 15, 2014